To create user registration and authorization pages, we will need to make 4 screens and use forms: authorization, registration, password reset, profile form
Containers must have #login-form, #restore-form, #registration-form and #profile-form tags. You can use prototype actions with these containers; in this case, after a successful action, you will be taken to the next screen.
Each container must have a #submit-button element inside it. This is a button that, when clicked, will perform the authorization, registration, update or password reset action.
Also inside the container there may (but not necessarily) be a container with the #error-message tag - this container will be shown in case of an error.
Also inside the container there may (but not necessarily) be a container with the #notvalid-message tag - this container will be shown if the email is entered incorrectly
The #login-form container must contain two fields: #email-field and #password-field - they will be converted to input fields.
Setting up and managing users
In the control panel you can configure the necessary fields for the authorization form and user profile
Setting up an authorization form in Figma
Design the page the way you like, add a container with the authorization form and the #login-form tag
Setting up an registration form in Figma
Design the page the way you like, add a container with the registration form and the #registration-form tag
Setting up a password reset form in Figma
Design the page the way you like, add a container with the registration form and the #restore-form tag
Configuring the user profile screen in Figma
Design the page the way you like, add a container with the registration form and the #profile-form tag
Last updated