Database containers

The container inside which the list is displayed must have the #list tag. If you additionally add the #hide-empty tag to the container, the container will not be displayed on the screen if the list is empty. Inside this container, at any nesting level, there must be one or more list item containers with the #list-item tag. There can be many #list-item elements, but only the first one is taken for the template.

Along with #list-item, you can add the #list-empty container to the container - in this case, the contents of this container will be shown if the list is empty. A container with the #loading-indicator tag will be shown at the moment of loading or downloading data from the server.

Each #list-item element must have an element inside it with field tags in which fields from the database will be displayed. Two types of fields are supported:


  1. Text #field-text-......

  2. Image #field-image-.....

All these fields will be available for assignment in the database connection dialog by their name. The field name will be taken from the third part of the tag:

  • #field-text-name -> name

  • #field-text-news_title->news_title news

  • #field-image-logo ->logo

  • #field-image-avatar - >avatar

  • #field-image-news image -> news image

For the first time, until a database is assigned to the list, all the elements of the list are transferred to the template. The list items are displayed sequentially, in the order defined in the Figma layout.

Last updated