Here you will find detailed information about all the latest updates, new features, and improvements to the Moxly platform. This page will help you stay informed about all the changes and innovations we are implementing to enhance your mobile app development experience.
Added the function of user comments to posts and ratings in the database.
For the βlistβ, macros have been added to support output in the form of tabular data (two in a row, three in a row, etc.). Ready-made containers for such output have been added to the demo file.
Fixed a bug when working with custom fields via RESTAPI.
Fixed bug with empty log file.
Fixed an error in assigning fields in a list using substitution via Figma
Added a tag for hiding or showing a container based on condition. This tag also works inside a list component.
A component for displaying user comments on a post has been added to the Figma demo file.
Last updated